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Electricity transmission policy



On the introduction of renewable, the research work dealt with unintended contradictory effects of two policies of the European Union (EU): the promotion of renewable energy and the promotion of integrated EU energy system.

Researchers have modelled the risks and other welfare implications of support of renewable energy in Germany, through the Energiewende, and of the changes in energy commodities portfolio on the electricity transmission grid in the whole Central Europe. 

The modelling has been done as a non-linear optimization in the GAMS high-level modelling system for mathematical programming.

The work belongs to the green paradox stream of literature, which deals with unintended harmful consequences of public policies aimed at the promotion of renewable energy resources.

One result has implications in the making of energy policy in Germany: German nuclear-phase out does not critically influence the electricity transmission capacity demand, as our research results demonstrate.


Read further

Málek, J., Rečka, L., Janda, K. (2018). "Impact of German Energiewende on transmission lines in the central European region," Energy Efficiency, 11(3), 683-700.