Energy and Climate Economic Modeling
The conference Energy and Climate Economic Modeling has stimulated the exchange of ideas on new empirical research in energy, climate and environmental economics and policy analysis.
The event has been organized in Prague, on 3-4 November 2016, by the University of Economics Prague and Charles University, as part of the ECOCEP project.
Most of the papers presented at the conference can be downloaded below.
Conference schedule
Thursday, 3 November 2016
09:00 | Introduction Milan Ščasny (Charles University) |
09:10 |
Key-note speaker 1 "Green paradox" |
10:20 |
Session 1 – Stated preferences "To mitigate or not to mitigate: the price elasticity of pro-environmental behavior" "Increasing the influence of CO2 emissions information on car purchase" "Using expert elicitation to reduce benefit transfers: an application to the Baltic Sea" "Public acceptability of climate change mitigation policies: discrete choice experiments in three European countries"
Milan Ščasný, Iva Zvěřinová (Charles University), Mikolaj Czajkowski (University of Warsaw), Eva Kyselá (Charles University)
[Paper/abstract] [Presentation] |
13:00 |
Key-note speaker 2 "Climate policy with declining discount rates in a multi-region world: back-of-the-envelope calculations" |
14:10 |
Session 2 – Electricity markets "Does daylight saves energy? A meta-analysis" "The impact of renewable energy on electricity transmission system in Central Europe" "The impact of behavioural and structural remedies on electricity prices: the case of England and Wales electricity markets" "Willingness to pay for green electricity in the Czech Republic" |
16:30 |
Session 3 – Negotiations, coalitions and agents "Conditional pledges in climate agreement negotiations: how far can they carry?" "Power measures: theory and application to agriculture and environmental issues" "Possibilities of multi-agent model of decentralized energy sources" |
Friday, 4 November 2016
09:00 |
Session 4 – Renewable energy "Institutions and cooperation in community-based micro-hydro energy schemes in Kenya" "The Swiss wood market: estimating elasticities with time series simultaneous equations" "Adding fuel to fire? Social spillovers and spatial disparities in the adoption of LPG in India" "Foods, fuels or finances: which prices matter for biofuels?" |
11:20 |
Key-note speaker 3 "Household energy use, energy efficiency, emissions and behaviours" |
13:00 |
Session 5 – Firm behaviour "Multinational corporations and the EU-ETS: Asset erosion and creeping deindustrialization" "The political economy of energy innovation" "The analysis of the impact of larger aircraft A-380 on the frequency of flights" "Economic development under climate change economy-wide and regional effects of climate change in Ethiopia" |
15:30 |
Session 6 – Energy Efficiency "Regional energy markets: evidence from corporate reporting" "Price effect on the residential consumption of electricity and gas in Ukraine" "Thermal insulation in apartment buildings: decision-making process and effect on energy savings" Session 7 – Environmental economics "Are sharks worth more dead than alive? A stated preference study on shark ecotourism in Costa Rica" "Valuing crop conservation in the Czech Republic using a discrete choice experiment" "Czech farmers’ perception of and adaptation to climate change risks" |
17:30 |
Conclusion |
Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr Petr Šauer (University of Economics Prague, Institute of Sustainable Business)
Prof. Dr Anna Alberini (University of Maryland and FEEM)
Prof. Dr Karel Janda (Charles University, University of Economics Prague and McGill University)
Dr Milan Ščasny (Charles University)
Prof. Dr Edwin Muchapondwa (University of Cape Town)
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr Petr Šauer (University of Economics Prague)
Dr Milan Ščasny (Charles University)
Dr Jean-François Auger (Charles University)
Anne-Marie Serena Andreasen (Charles University)
Luboš Hanus (Charles University)
Zuzana Martínková (Charles University)